Parkers have enlisted the help of the Eco Team at Damers First School to help raise awareness of the fantastic additional recycling facilities available at the school. The team at Parkers, who recently received their ‘Plastic Free’ status from the Eco Team, have been inspired and highly impressed by the efforts of the team and wanted to help get word out to current and new residents of Poundbury. Naturally, being estate agents with window space, they can reach the Poundbury footfall but also wanted a way to let new residents know from the get-go. Emma Parker contacted Edd Moore of Damers and asked if his team would design a poster they could display in the office window and also hand out to new residents moving to Poundbury and Dorchester. They responded with a colourful and informative poster that Parkers proudly present on the completion of any sale. “It’s a great way to promote and celebrate the fantastic work being done by our local school and educate us all into long term good habits” said Emma Parker.